Suspect arrested for harassing school girl

LAHORE: A suspect involved in harassment of school going girl was arrested in Kahna. A video had gone viral in which the suspect could be seen harassing a school going girl. Police taking cognizance of the matter identified the suspect and arrested him. A case was registered against the suspect identified as Abid. SP Model Town said that those involved in harassment will be brought to justice. dies in accident: A biker has died in a road accident on Manga Road. The victim identified as Usman Ashraf was hit by a speeding car while riding a bike. The victim was shifted to a hospital for treatment but the victim could not survive. Body recovered: Body of an 11-year-old boy was recovered from a drain in Sabzazar. The victim identified as Dil Muhammad was a special child. It came forth from circumstantial evidences that the victim might have slipped his feet into the drain and died.

Source: The News