Steps taken to protect women from harassment in parks, trails

ISLAMABAD: On the directives of the federal ombudsperson for protection against harassment of women, the capital’s police have arranged special security measures in public parks and Margalla Trails to ensure the safety of women.

As per a statement issued by the ombudsperson secretariat on Monday, the security measures include the installation of 200 cameras, which are being monitored by Safe City, along with drone cameras for monitoring the Margalla Trails. Besides, mounted patrolling units have been activated for the surveillance of parks and Margalla trails.

The ombudsperson had taken serious notice of reports of harassment of women in public parks and on trails. He then directed the capital’s police to undertake security-enhancing measures so that women could exercise their constitutional right to participate in public places.

In response, the Islamabad Police informed the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat for Protection against Harassment (FOSPAH) that with the cooperation of the authorities of the Parks and Margalla Trails, all necessary security steps have been taken.

FOSPAH appreciated the efforts of the police in ensuring the realisation of Articles 25 and 34 of the Constitution of Pakistan, which mandate the equality and representation of women.

Source: Dawn