Sons booked for torturing mother

TOBA TEK SINGH: Kamalia Saddar police registered on Saturday a case against two brothers on charges of torturing their mother and fracturing her arm over a land issue.

The case has been registered under the new law — section 3 of The Punjab Parents Protection Ordinance 2021 and sections 354 and 34 of PPC.

Complainant Nasreen Bano, 70, of Chak 732-GB, said her sons Zahid and Basharat and Basharat ‘s wife Sidra wanted to grab her 20 acres farmland but she refused to transfer the land against their names over which they beat her and fractured her arm beside turning her out of her home on Friday night.

Police were conducting raids to arrest the accused while Nasreen had been admitted to the Kamalia Tehsil Headquarters Hospital.

Source: Dawn