SHC summons Brohi’s widow on 29th

HYDERABAD: The Hyderabad circuit bench of the Sindh High Court on Tuesday issued notices to the widow and mother of Rasool Bux Brohi, a labourer who was allegedly killed in a fake encounter by police half a year ago, to appear in court on December 29 following a joint criminal bail application of main accused SP Chaudhry Aslam, a DSP and an inspector. The accused have moved the SHC for bail after the district and sessions court of Nawabshah rejected their bail application more than a week ago.

Raja Qureshi and Amir Qureshi advocates appeared on behalf of the accused SP Aslam Chaudhry, DSP Irfan Bahadur and Inspector Syed Safdar Ali Shah to defend their clients in the case lodged against them at Sakrand police station vide crime no 101/06 under sections 302 364, 342, 201, 222, 34 PPC on the complaint of Ms. Lal Bibi, mother of Rasool Bux and Ms. Pathani, widow. Mr Qureshi told Justice Mohammad Moosa K. Leghari that the registration of second FIR had been delayed while the first FIR lodged with Gadap police which stated that Mashooq Brohi was killed in police encounter was filed on time.

The DNA test, too, had established that Ms. Pathani and Mohammad Ismail Brohi were biological parents of Mashooq Brohi and not of Rasool Bux Brohi, which tended to prove that the police encounter FIR was correct, he argued insisting that that second FIR was fabricated and motivated by professional rivalry. ARRESTED: Police arrested two people including a former police constable on charges of involvement in street crimes during an ongoing drive against the menace on Tuesday.
Source: Dawn

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