KARACHI:January 10,2005:A teenaged girl received serious burn wounds when Yaseen, son of her employer set her on fire, when she resisted his sexual assault in a house in Dhoraji Colony within Bahadurabad police jurisdiction late Saturday night, sources in the police told The News.
According to sources, Aasia, 16, daughter of Muhammad Ahmed, a housemaid in a bungalow on Ameer Khusroo Road, owned by Muhammad Ali Bawani, was brought to the Civil Hospital with serious burn injuries by Amanat Ali, one of her relatives.
The injured, with over 90 per cent burn wounds, stated that Yaseen Bawani, the son of her employer, tried to sexually assault her and upon resistance, Yaseen and two accomplices set her on fire.
Bahadurabad police told The News that after proper investigation they would be able to ascertain the fact whether she attempted suicide or was set on fire, as she had changed her statements.
On Saturday night, the girl told the police that she attempted suicide by burning after sprinkling kerosene oil on herself but on Sunday she changed it, police added. A case has been registered and policehave arrested Yaseen and Amanat
Source: The News