Seven-year-old girl raped

BAHAWALPUR: A seven-year-old girl was raped at Chamb Morr on borderline area of Bahawalpur and Lodhran districts on Wednesday night.

According to M Mushtaq, his daughter Sohana was on way home from a nearby house when an unidentified man abducted and raped her. Later, the accused left the victim near her house in an unconscious condition. She was shifted to the Bahawal Victoria Hospital.

According to BVH Emergency Ward Director Dr Amir Mehmood Bukhari, the victim was raped. Lodhran Sadr police have not registered a case till the filing of the report.
FIVE CONVICTED: Bahawalnagar Additional District and Sessions Judge Muhammad Masroor Anwar Khan on Thursday convicted five accused in a murder case registered with Sadr police.

The court awarded death sentence and Rs 200,000 fine each to Asghar and Ramzan and 10-year imprisonment and Rs 100,000 fine each to Riasat Ali, Abid and Ashraf. According to the prosecution, the convicts killed M Aslam and injured three others during a dacoity at Bairwala in February 2014.

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