Seven booked in honour killing case

SUKKUR: Seven suspects were on Thursday booked in an honour killing case lodged at the Dadloi police station of Panu Aqil town a day earlier.

The suspects belong to the Bullo community, the police said. They said that complainant Niamat Khatoon had nominated Raziq Dino, Ghous Bukhsh, Mohammad Bukhsh, Mohammad Alam, Mumtaz, Badshah and Jan Mohammad in the FIR (261/2013) of the murder of her brother, Ali Mardan Bullo.

She alleged that the suspects killed him in Lemon Bullo village near Panu Aqil on Wednesday on suspicion of having relations with a woman of the same community.

Police carried raids on different places in Dost Mohammad Bullo, Bagro Bullo and Shahbazi Bullo villages but none of the suspects could be arrested till Thursday evening.