Sense of security for women stressed

LAHORE:The definition of a good woman needs to be changed in our society; we call those women good who take domestic abuse and violence but remain silent.

According to a press release, it was said by a spokesperson for the Chief Minister, Musarat Jamshed Cheema, while addressing a panel discussion titled “Times up, unite activism to end violence against women” at the GC University Lahore which was also addressed by rights activist Kiran Zehra Zaidi, White Ribbon Pakistan CEO Umar Aftab, Dr Faiza Tayyab and Secretary Social Welfare Ms Sumaira Samad.

The panel discussion was part of the Second All Pakistan Summit for Students’ Societies organised by GCU in collaboration with Shaoor Foundation and Superior University. Eminent veteran actress Seemi Raheel and a young lawyer Khadija Siddiqui were also among the panelists.

GCU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Asghar Zaidi attended this session in the audience. Musarat Cheema shared problems she faced as a woman in politics, saying that men, whose wives or other female family members are empowered, face stigmatisation and blaming. She criticised the media for blaming women in different criminal stories, saying that the dramatisation of crime is a sin.

She said a sense of security should be given to women so they speak up against abuse, harassment and violence. She laid stress on the implementation of legislation regarding violence against women without class discrimination.

Kiran Zaidi said that where there are tragedies, there must also be some stories where women succeeded in fighting for justice and these women should be role models for young girls studying in universities.

Khadija Siddiqui said children growing up in abusive homes end up developing violent traits which results in a chain of abuse. Seemi Raheel highlighted the role of academia to build a narrative against domestic abuse and gender violence. She asked why we remained silent when a wife-beater was given an award recently at the show.

She said we cannot marginalise either men or women. We have to talk about both together. GCU Women Development Centre Incharge Sumera Khalil moderated the session which was also addressed by student representatives Arhaba Waseem, Amna Naeem and Mustafa Bilal.

Source: The News