Senate body finalises recommendations on Vani, Sawara

ISLAMABAD: The Subcommittee on Women Development, constituted by the Senate Standing Committee on Women Development, finalised on Thursday its recommendations on womenís right of inheritance, and the evil practices of Vani and Sawara.

The meeting, presided over by Senator Sardar Jamal Khan Leghari, was given a detailed briefing by senior officers of the ministries of Law and Women Development. The sub-committee appreciated the two ministries for providing facts about Vani, Sawara and the custom under which the women folk are deprived of their rights to inheritance. These recommendations would soon be presented to the main committee of women development for further consideration.

The meeting was attended by Senators Razina Alam Khan, Dr Kausar Firdaus and Semeen Siddiqi. Senior Officials of the law and women development ministries were also present.

Source: The News


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