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Seminar on violence against women held

LARKANA: Sindh Educational Development Society Larkana on Sunday organized here a seminar on “Violence against women is inhuman-stop it”. It was presided over by Apa Tahira Baloch a Child Rights Committee (CRC) Coordinator here at Knowledge Centre.

Speaking on the occasion she said ego and ignorance were the main causes of domestic violence against women. A perpetrator of violence against women could never live with rest as he was always dreaded by the members of his family and was always deprived of the real affection and trust of the household.

She said that in many TV dramas the women were shown physically beating the husbands which was far from the ground realities. Such kind of misleading of a woman must be stopped as it tarnished the image of women.

Amanullah jakhro said that in the agrarian societies the abilities and role of women had been minimized by putting her under chains of outdated costumes and traditions.

Mukhtiar Samo, president of Sindh Educational Development Society said that a home where women feared violence against her by any of his male family member could never flourish and taste happiness because only a confident woman was the source of bringing a family and home the real happiness.

Mehtab Gurhamani said that woman in all relations commanded respect but the relation of mother, sister and daughter were matchless. Zulifkar Khoso said that many women were deprived of their share from inheritance by their male relatives.

The others who spoke on the occasion included Faiza Soomro, Arslan Hyder Baloch, Naveed Khokhar, Shaheen Shaikh, Bakhtawar Gurhamani, Majib Samo, Fawad Ali and Abdul Hafiz.
Source: The Nation