Schoolteacher held for allegedly raping teenage student

A private schoolteacher was arrested for allegedly subjecting a teenage schoolgirl to rape, along with four of his companions, in the Surjani Town area on Tuesday.

Police said Syed Hassan Alam registered FIR No. 1548/22 at the Surjani Town police station against schoolteacher Basit and four of his unidentified companions. Following the registration of the case, the police arrested the teacher, while raids for arresting his companions are under way.

Police said that on September 27, the arrested suspect gave his 13-year-old student some sleep-inducing substance at the school, following which the girl fell unconscious, then he took her to an empty plot near the school to allegedly rape her, along with his four companions.

Police also said the suspect threatened the girl with dire consequences if she told about the incident to anyone, saying that he would kill her younger sister, who also studied at the same school.

Officials said that a medical examination of the victim has been conducted, while the police are waiting for the report. They said the incident came into the notice of the family after the victim seemed unwell and scared, and she was also not going to school.

Police said that growing suspicious, the parents asked the child what was wrong, and then she told the family about the entire incident, following which the family approached the police for registering a case.

Source: The News