Refusing marriage proposal costs girl her life

Karachi an eighteen-year-old girl was shot dead after she allegedly refused a cousin’s marriage proposal, on Friday, in her residence situated within the SITE police limits. Fareeda, daughter of Ali Akber, was reported to have been gunned down by two of her cousins, Ghafoor and his younger brother Ghaffar, inside her Ayub Goth residence.

She was taken to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital in a critical condition where she died during treatment, while both the men managed to flee. According to police Ghafoor wanted to marry Fareeda and had come to the house with his brother to convince her to marry him; however, her refusal angered him to the point that he opened fire on her.

Three days ago, a man was reported to have strangled his wife to death, within the Quaidabad police limits. Hameeda, 26, wife of Fazal-e-Wahid, was unable to survive when her husband in a deranged fit of anger assaulted her at their residence in Sherpao Colony, Swati Mohallah. After beating the woman, the killer strangled her to death and fled.

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