Rape victims’ plea to BHC chief justice

QUETTA: A mother and her seven-year-old daughter who were allegedly raped by a group of men near Dera Murad Jamali have appealed to the Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court to take suo motu notice of the incident and order police to arrest the culprits immediately.

Speaking at a news conference on Saturday in Dera Murad Jamali, Shabiraan Bibi and her daughter Rahiman Bibi alleged that police were protecting the accused because of their political influence. Bhutta Khan, the husband of Shabiraan Bibi, was present on the occasion.

The two victims warned that if they were not provided justice they would commit suicide. “The accused are hurling threats and using all kinds of coercive tactics against us to force a withdrawal of the FIR,” Shabiraan Bibi said.

She alleged that the perpetrators of the gang rape wanted the victims to leave their village along with their relatives.

She said that doctors in a report had confirmed the rape. The FIR had been lodged on the basis of this medical report.

She appealed to the Chief Justice to take suo motu notice of the atrocity as she was an oppressed and poor woman.

Source: DAWN

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