Rape, murder accused killed in crossfire

MULTAN: Four unidentified persons on Thursday attacked a police party in the Setal Mari Police area. Nadeem, who was detained in a case of kidnapping, rape and murder of a seven-year-old girl, was killed during the exchange of fire, police said.

The slain suspect was in the Setal Mari Police custody on charges of raping and then suffocating the girl. The police had registered a case, 1251/22, under Ssections 363/302/376 and arrested Nadeem. They recovered earrings scratched from the girl’s ears and a motorcycle.

Four motorcyclists opened fire on the police party to rescue the accused near the Sui Gas Road, Jagguwala. The police fired back. During the exchange of fire, Nadeem was shot dead by his own accomplices. The bullets fired by the assailants also hit a constable in the chest, but he remained safe because of his bulletproof jacket. The police van was severely damaged in the firing. The assailants escaped the scene after firing.

The area had been cordoned off and raids were being conducted to arrest the accused, police said.

Source: The news