Protest as five cops rape girl student

SHEIKHUPURA: A large number of people on Saturday staged a demonstration here in front of district police offices, demanding early arrest of the five policemen who allegedly raped a young girl after abducting her from a street.

Reportedly, five Muhafiz Force personnel who were on patrol on Friday evening stopped a 16-year-old girl ‘N’, daughter of a factory worker, Ghulam Rasool, when she was returning home after taking tuition along with her male cousin on Railway Road. The policemen threatened the girl’s cousin with dire consequences and made him to leave, detaining ‘N’.

Later, they allegedly subjected the girl to gang-rape in a house situated on Mandiala Road and left her unconscious at a desolate place. Some passersby spotted the victim and took her to her house.

On the direction of Additional SP Waqas Hasan, B Division police have registered a case against five unknown police. The SP assured the media and the protesters that culprits would soon be arrested.


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