‘Prisoner 650 was indeed Dr Aafia’

By: Asif Mehmood

LONDON – A startling new development in the case of Dr Aafia Siddiqui has emerged following the recent release of a British resident from Guantanamo as the torture victim Binyam Mohamed in a testimony has said he witnessed Dr Aafiya during her detention at the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, which contradicts the official position forwarded by the US Government that she and her children were not in US custody prior to July 2008.

The latest twist in the dramatic case was revealed during a meeting hosted by British peer Lord Nazir Ahmed at the House of Lords here yesterday.

Lord Ahmed is now demanding the immediate return to Pakistan of the mother-of-three and urged the Pakistan government to directly intervene with the US to bring about a swift repatriation.
After a private viewing of the forthcoming documentary “In Search of Prisoner 650” by journalist Yvonne Ridley, the former Guantanamo detainee told Ridley he was “100 per cent sure” that the female prisoner he saw in Bagram was Dr Aafiya Siddiqui.

He made his astonishing claim during his first ever television interview on the international satellite Press TV, which is on aired at 8.07pm (in UK) on Thursday (00.07am Friday Pakistan time) on Ridley’s weekly political show “The Agenda”. Ridley started her quest for the truth about Prisoner 650 in Pakistan last July and sought the help of the country’s media with the help and support of Imran Khan who organised a press conference at his party’s headquarter in Islamabad.
In this connection, Asim Qureshi from the international human rights organisation “Cage Prisoners” said, “With evidence continually mounting to suggest that she was abducted from Karachi in March 2003, the regurgitation of the same lies cannot be allowed to continue, especially in light of her prosecution in the US”.

Similarly, former Guantanamo another detainee Moazzam Begg who also spent time in Bagram detention facility praised Binyam Mohamed for coming forward to make his statement.
Source: The Nation

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