Police confirm man killed wife, daughters over ‘honour’

PESHAWAR: The Peshawar police claim to have successfully solved the blind murder case involving three women who were poisoned before being set ablaze in the Tehkal area earlier this month.

Addressing a press conference at Malik Saad Shaheed Lines, CCPO Tahir Khan told the media that the victims had been identified as Hussan Bano and her two daughters Ayesha and Sher Mina.

He confirmed that the murders were a case of honour killing and Bano’s husband Ghulam Muhammad, her brother and two brothers-in-law were prime suspects.

Giving details of the murders, CCPO said that the killings were the outcome of a domestic dispute. He said Muhammad killed his wife after he found out about her alleged affair with a local drug peddler.

The accused, Muhammad, was an Afghan refugee and had settled in Peshawar 35 years ago and had later married Bano, who was a resident of Peshawar. They had two daughters.

Following the repatriation of Afghan refugees, Muhammad had decided to move back to Afghanistan to which Bano did not agree. The dispute later led to the accused killing the three victims.

The CCPO informed reporters that out of the five accused, Muhammad’s brothers— Azizullah and Pir Muhammad— had been arrested and the vehicle used in the murder had also been taken into custody.

During the interrogation the accused confessed that they had killed the women and then used petrol to burn the bodies.

Earlier, the police had found a house where Muhammad, commonly known as Disco, lived with his wife and daughters.

The man, however, mysteriously left the house for Afghanistan without his wife and daughters prompting suspicion that he had killed the three women and then dumped their bodies outside his house.

The Express Tribune

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