Police arrest murderer of special girl in Hyderabad

HYDERABAD   –   Hyderabad Police arrested the man on Monday who allegedly killed a
special girl in Rahuki area six days ago. Rahuki police station SHO Qurban Aqlani has said that
Nooruddin Jamali killed deaf and dumb girl Khizra Pathan because he was interested in her, but
she was not. He has further said that raids are being conducted for the arrest of the second person
allegedly involved in the deaf and dumb girl’s murder. “Jamali killed the girl on April 16 and
then fled,” the SHO has explained. He has claimed that the man has confessed to have committed
the crime in connivance with his accomplice Sajid Saraiki for whose arrest raids are being
conducted. “An FIR had been registered on the complaint of the girl’s father Ziarat Gul Pathan,”
he informed.

Source: The Nation