Amin Ahmed

ISLAMABAD: Unesco and the government of Pakistan will co-host a high-level advocacy event called “Stand up for Malala — Stand up for Girls’ Right to Education” in Paris on Dec 10.

President Asif Zardari would attend the event, it was announced on Tuesday.

The president and Unesco Director-General Irina Bokova have jointly signed the invitation being sent to all UN member states.

Federal Minister for Education and Training Sheikh Waqas Akram said the event would mobilise heads of states and governments, leaders of UN agencies, international and bilateral organisations, foundations, donors, the private sector, civil society, academics, religious leaders, eminent personalities and the media to reinforce commitment to programmes for girls’ education.

The event which will mark the ‘Human Rights Day’ is designed to generate political will and accelerate action in favour of every girl’s right to go to school.

According to a statement issued by Unesco: “The assassination attempt on Malala represents violation of right of girls to education. In far too many countries, girls are deprived of this fundamental human right that is the key to dignity and decent future.”

“Discrimination starts early in girls’ life. We must harness the global movement of solidarity around Malala to strengthen political will and put in place measures required to ensure that all girls have a place in school.”


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