Karak rape case: PHC withdraws suspension order of 26 policemen

PESHAWAR: The Peshawar High Court on Tuesday withdrew the suspension order of 26 police officials including a district police officer (DPO).

The suspension order was issued when brother of an alleged rape victim was killed outside a court at Takht-i-Nusrati in Karak in December last year.

A two-member bench comprising Chief Justice Dost Mohammad Khan and Justice Waqar Ahmad Seth disposed of the case whose notice was taken suo moto by the chief justice after the victim’s brother, Alamzeb, was killed and several persons including some policemen had taken out procession against the judiciary in Karak in Dec last year.

The investigation officer in the rape case, SSP Attiqullah Wazir, submitted sealed reports of polygraph tests of the accused persons and the rape victim. The bench after going through the report observed that it was inconclusive and of no help in the case.

While recalling the suspension order of the police officials, the bench observed that provincial home secretary and provincial police officer could take any departmental action against the officials if they had violated any rule.

The bench also directed the provincial government to provide employment either to the rape victim or to her brother so that the family could get a source of earning livelihood. It was also ordered that the trial court conclude the case expeditiously.

The bench directed the police high-ups that security provided to the victim and her family should continue till conclusion of the trial. The bench also withdrew contempt of court charges against a police official Hakeem Khan, the rape accused also charged with instigating people against the local judiciary, with a warning to remain careful in future.

The chief justice directed the police high-ups to make efforts for arresting an absconding accused, Ibrahim Khan, brother of Hakim, charged with the killing of Alamzeb.

The high court had on Dec 13 issued a comprehensive order through which it had suspended the then DPO Karak, the circle DSP of Karak
and Takht-i- Nusrati and officials of Takht-i-Nusrati police station.

On the order of the high court the victim and her family was provided official living quarter in Peshawar.

Earlier, in March the DNA of around 12 suspects in the rape case did not match with that of a female infant given birth by the alleged victim.

The victim had told the court that during captivity of around a year she was sexually assaulted by several persons some of whom were not known to her but she could recognise them on appearance.

The girl was allegedly kidnapped when a police party raided her residence on July 30, 2010. She could not be recovered for over a year and finally she managed to escape from captivity on Sept 19 following which she charged around 12 persons including some policemen for kidnapping and raping her. Her brother, Alamzeb, was killed outside a court at Takht-i-Nusrati on Dec 9 allegedly by Ibrahim Khan, who has now been absconding.


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