=> PESHAWAR: The participants of a focused group thro

PESHAWAR: The participants of a focused group through a resolution demanded of the caretaker government to ensure the participation of women voters in the upcoming elections by providing them special security at the polling stations.

A one-day discussion held here on Friday was largely attended by the women candidates of different political parties, including Bushra Gohar of ANP, PML-N General Secretary Shazia Aurangzeb Khan, Nargis Sameen Jan of PPP-S, PTI President Shah Farman and members of the other civil society organisations.

The Joint Election Commissioner, Imtiaz Alam, Deputy Election Commissioner Shafiq Ahmad and Director Human Rights Shah Zaman represented the provincial election commission on the occasion.

The participants highlighted the issues pertaining to the Women Rights Act 2006, saying that after being elected, the women parliamentarians would raise these issues in the assemblies.

The candidates said that after coming into power, the restoration of judiciary and democracy would be their top priorities, besides they would focus on legislation about women and children.

They said they would strive to end all discriminatory laws, the parallel judiciary system and would evolve a new strategy on women reserved seats. The participants also demanded an immediate end to the military operations in the tribal areas and Swat.

They demanded of the ECP to make strict security arrangements at the polling stations and said women polling stations should be established separately. They stressed that women polling staff should be deputed at all women polling stations, which should be established at accessible places.

It was also demanded of the government and the ECP that in areas where women were barred from polling votes, its results should be declared null and void.

Source: The News

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