Over 700 sex-related cases reported last year: WAR

By Bhagwandas

KARACHI, June 03, 2005: As many as 728 sex-related crimes were reported in the city during the year 2004, says a report prepared by an NGO, the War Against Rape (WAR). It investigated 57 cases reported by print media, and found that only 15 surviving victims appeared willing to move a court to seek justice. In other cases, the reasons for the
victims’ unwillingness to pursue their cases were lengthy judicial process, social and family pressures, unendurable method of cross-examination, etc.

According to the NGO, among the 15 cases in courts, five pertained to gang- rape and four each related to rape and sodomy, the rest being the cases of incest. The victims’ age ranged from four to 40 years.

Ms Amna Mehwish, coordinator of WAR, told Dawn that her organization provided legal aid to victims of rape, sexual abuse of children and domestic violence. A psychologist associated with the NGO consoles such victims and their families and provides them all the required support to cope with the situation.

She said that WAR team would visit a victim and the concerned police, as well as the hospital having carried out the medico-legal examination, before collecting more information from other relevant places. If the information satisfies the NGO that it is rally a case of rape, and if the victim is also ready to pursue the case, the WAR extends the victim free legal aid.

Source: Dawn


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