No high school for girls in KP village

Khyber – In the absence of a high school, students at Kam-shelman haji speen Kalley, a government girls’ middle school, are studying in the eighth grade consecutively. Kam-shelman is a remote subdivision of Landi Kotal with a population of about ten thousand people. eighteen female students were enrolled in the middle section of the institutions, while 148 female students were enrolled in the primary section. The girl students bemoaned that they had been studying in the eighth grade for the past three years because there was no high school for girls in the area and they couldn’t afford to travel to Landi Kotal girls’ high secondary school.

“I want to get a higher education,” an orphan eighth-grade student explained, adding that a lack of opportunities locally prevents her from realising her dream. agha, haji Jan, a Kam-shelman elder, stated that dozens of girls dropped out of school after passing their eighth-grade exam. Female students in the area, like girls in other parts of the country, were talented, but a lack of access to higher education prevented them from pursuing it, he added.

According to the students, only one of the two female teachers attended her duty, and two teaching staff members worked in the institution. Because of a teacher shortage, the affected girls were unable to attend even a single period of science classes. all of the students in the primary section were sitting on the bare floor, and even a mate was unavailable for them, they added, adding that the room’s construction was left incomplete due to a parent-teacher council fund embezzlement. When contacted, the District Education Officer samina Ghani, stated that the subordinate staff would be contacted to inquire about the school’s current situation.

Source: The Nation