NGO worker threatened for helping rape victim

KARACHI, Aug 29 2005: A worker of a non-governmental organization (NGO), who was assisting a victim, has been harassed and given life threats. She has been warned not to provide any assistance to an alleged rape victim, it is learnt.

The member of the NGO, War Against Rape (WAR), Khalida Ahmad, in her application to the DIG Operations, has demanded that she be provided protection, justice be done to the victim, and action be taken against the culprits according to the law.

Narrating her ordeal, the NGO worker said that on the orders of the Sindh Ombudsman, she had taken a women victim (SA) to Civil Hospital so that her medical examination could be carried out.

She said a medico-legal officer of the CHK, Rohana Hassan, after carrying out the examination called the police to carry out their routine work.

Khalida said she along with the victim waited for over three hours and while the police never came, a few other people arrived at the hospital and started abusing her.

They warned her that if she provided any assistance to the rape victim or helped her in taking legal against them, they would kill her (the NGO worker).

Talking to Dawn on Sunday, Ms Hassan said that the victim (SA) was working as a maid servant at a house in Gulistan-i-Jauhar, where she, at the behest of her employer was allegedly raped by two people.

When she raised a hue and cry, her employer called the police, which took her to the police station.

The police rather than registering an FIR regarding her rape on her complaint not only stripped her, but also registered an FIR against the victim’s husband.

Khalida said the victim then approached the Sindh Ombudsman, who after carrying out investigations directed the police to register an FIR on the victim’s (SA) complaint.

Source: The News

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