Need stressed to educate more women

Karachi, Jan 20: Provincial Minister Khalid Bin Walyat stressed the need to impart education to more women in order to brighten the future of coming generations in modern era of science and technology.

This he said while addressing a debates ceremony organized by Dhaka Group of Educational Institutions and Daira-E-Adab Saqafat International at Khatoon-e-Pakistan, Government College for Women here on Tuesday.

He said it is need of hour to impart education both to men and women, so that more educated women could train new generations in a better way. He said this is an era of science and technology and without imparting scientific education, development in the country could not be achieved.

He urged teachers to play their pivotal role in imparting and spreading education. He further said debate programs encourage students to use their capabilities positively

Speaking on the occasion, noted educationist Azfar Rizwi said his organization has organized several such programs across the city. The cash prizes were also given away to the winners.
Source: The Nation

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