NCSW to launch post-election report with gender perspective by November

Islamabad: National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) will launch a comprehensive analytical report on women participation in Election 2018 during the month of November.

NCSW is working on compilation of its report on Election 2018 which will cover different aspects of women’ participation in the election, voting trends with gender perspective, hindrances faced by women in voting and of course suggestions to bring improvements, Chairperson, NCSW, Khawar Mumtaz said while talking to this agency. She said the commission, in its report, would consider all the aspects, which influenced the voting trend of women in the general elections.

The commission has also deputed its 200 observers in 50 districts during election to monitor the women turn out, she said. Khawar Mumtaz said NCSW, despite its limited resources and staff, is working to redress the issues that affect lives of women adversely, analysing the laws and policies, formulating recommendations and conducting studies on gender issues.

To a question about the newly elected government’ focus on women empowerment, Chairperson NCSW said although the government has mentioned steps for ensuring and promoting women rights in its 100-days reform agenda but no such comprehensive programme and significant step came up yet.

She said, Punjab government has raised the issue of domestic workers while Ministry of Human rights is also raising issues that are affecting women lives, especially women inheritance. Some other steps are also being taken at other places but are scattered ones, she said while hoping to see a comprehensive plan for empowering women, which are an important segment of society, and rendering valuable contribution in diversified sectors of life. She said new laws after local government election in the country will further determine a direction toward uplift of women.

The News 

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