NCSW condemns acid throwing on female teachers

ISLAMABAD: The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) strongly condemned the incident of throwing acid on the faces of women teachers in Balochistan.

A statement issued here on Tuesday said that NCSW is extremely perturbed at the news item appeared in a section of press regarding acid throwing on women teachers of Balochistan while they were travelling back to homes in school vain.

It said that this recent case is an explicit and crude example of how acid is used as a tool to perpetuate violence against women. “From time to time some mischievous elements opt for such horrendous acts to discourage women from public life. The Commission condemns this act in absolute terms, and urges that strict measures must be taken against the perpetrators”, NCSW said.

The Commission demanded that the Government of Balochistan must take strong cognizance of the case, bring the culprits to book and ensure complete medical, psychological and economic rehabilitation of the victims. “We need to tackle and put efforts in place to eliminate violence against women at all the levels. The time is ripe for the women legislators to break the silence, stand up to respond on the issue and think about introducing timely and proper legislation”, it added.

As an immediate response, legislators should right away pass a strong worded resolution unanimously in Balochistan Assembly against the incident and put sever pressure on the law enforcing agencies to apprehend.

Source: The Nation


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