Naib Nazim vows to fight extremist elements

Vowing to the fight against so-called champions of Islam, Naib City Nazim, Nasreen Jalil has said that the women of the country in general and Karachi in particular will never allow handful elements to impose ‘Shariah’ of their own. Describing the Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid activities as a conspiracy against the country and womenfolk, Jalil said, “The people occupying Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa in Islamabad are damaging the image of Pakistan and Islam all over the world.”

Talking to a delegation of female councillors at her office she lamented that women are being barred by these elements from driving cars. She viewed that issuing edicts and holding so-called Shariah courts amounts to establishing state within state. She appealed to the women of Karachi to take active part in the rally on April 15 being organised to protest against such extremist elements.

Source: The News


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