Minor ‘raped, murdered’ in city’s Line Area

An 11-year-old girl was allegedly raped and murdered by a close relative in the Lines Area of Karachi on Tuesday.Police said that an 11-year-old girl was allegedly raped and later strangulated to death in the Lines Area of Karachi. The post-mortem of the deceased girl was performed at Jinnah Hospital.Police officials said that the culprit tried to paint the rape and murder case as a suicide to cover up his heinous crime.

They added that the paternal uncle of the deceased minor girl is absconding after the incident.Police said that they have been informed about a minor girl’s suicide. However, the post-mortem examination revealed that the girl was subjected to rape.“The slain girl’s father works as a gatekeeper at a park.

The girl was alone at her home while her siblings went out to their school. They came to know about the incident after returning home.”“The doctors have also confirmed torture marks on her body while the cause of her death was suffocation,” police added.

Source: Pakistan Observer