Maryam for women’s role in development

LAHORE – PML-N leader Maryam Nawaz Sharif has said that the 52 per cent women population can play a vital role in the progress and development of the country.

Inaugurating the Women Youth Website at the central secretariat of the party on Wednesday, Maryam said women possess even more potential than men in certain important sectors of national development.

“Their unity on a single platform can take the country to new heights of progress,” she added. Maryam invited them to share her efforts for making Pakistan a developed, forward looking and thriving country.

Counting achievements of the Punjab government, she said the Punjab government was specially focusing on the development of the youth in the course of which it launched a number of historic projects for them.

She said besides endowment funds, distribution of laptops among the talented youth purely on merit and the establishment of Daasnish Schools to enable the talented kids of the lowest stratum of society to acquire top class education in the best of environment.

The Nation

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