Man throws acid on girl

KARACHI: A man interested in marrying a girl threw acid at her face following her refusal to accept his proposal. The incident occurred in Korangi on Friday morning, police said. A senior police officer of Korangi Town said that parents of Waqas had paid several visits to the girl’s house in Zaman Town area asking for her marriage with their son. However, the girl’s parents did not accept the marriage proposal, the official said.

Hina,18, employee at an industrial unit in Korangi Industrial Area was waiting for a bus, when Waqas showed up, police said. According to the victim, Waqas walked up to her asking the reason for her refusal, when she refused to talk to him, he took out a bottle and threw acid at her face and fled, the inquiry officer said.

The girl was taken to the Jinnah Hospital but was referred to the Burns Centre of the Civil Hospital where she was admitted for treatment. Hospital sources said that Hina had suffered 15 to 20 per cent burns at her face. Following the incident police raided the house of Waqas for his arrest but he was not present.

Source: Dawn


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