Man held for ‘sexually assaulting girl

RAWALPINDI: A man was arrested by the Dhamial police on Tuesday for allegedly sexually assaulting a teenage girl in his neighborhood.

A police spokesman said that shortly after the registration of the FIR, the police picked up the suspect and will produce them before the court of law for physical remand.

The alleged rapist, a salesman, lived in the neighborhood of the victim whose parents had passed away as she lived with his uncle in Dhamial.

The rape victim’s uncle lodged an FIR with the police saying that he and his elderly mother had been looking after his niece, aged between 14 and 15 years since her parents had passed away.

The FIR was registered on Monday, and the incident happened on August 11, when she was alone at home as the accused residing in her neighborhood came to her house via rooftop and raped her at gunpoint.

Police said the accused, a resident of Girja Road, was arrested after the FIR registration under section 376 of the PPC, and an investigation was launched.

Police took the rape victim to a hospital for medical examination.

Source: Dawn