Man guns down daughter for ‘honour’

SARGODHA – A man gunned down his married daughter for honour here in village 157/NB in the remit of Shah Nikdar Police on Sunday. Reportedly, 16-year-old Akhtar Bibi, daughter of Mumtaz, a resident of 157/NB village, was married off to a relative namely Khalid, a resident of District Jhang one year ago. Meanwhile, she developed illicit relations with someone due which the relation between the couple strained. The often quarrels led the girl to settle with her parents some four months ago. Meanwhile, her father also advised her to mend her ways but she didn’t heeded. On Sunday, her father shot her dead with pistol and fled the scene. The Shah Nikdar Police removed the body to THQ Sillanwali for medico-legal formalities.

Condolence reference held: A condolence reference was held here the auspices of Sargodha Union of Journalists (Dastoor Group) at Press Club to pay tribute to former Sargodha Press Club president late MH Zafar for his remarkable services. Federal Minister of State for Water and Power Tasneem Ahmed Qureshi was the chief guest on the occasion.

SUJ President Rao Aslam Fraz, General Secretary Malik Muhammad Asghar, Syed Riaz Hussain Shah, Muhammad Imran Goraya and a great number of journalists, politicians and civil society members attended the event.

Meanwhile, Quran Kawani was also held and the participants offered special prayers for the eternal peace and tranquillity of the departed soul.

The Nation

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