Man arrested for alleged rape

RAWALPINDI: Rawalpindi police have arrested an accused who allegedly raped a vulnerable woman on the pretext of treating her ailing husband in Piwadhai area of the garrison city.

According to a spokesperson for the police, the accused named Sheikh Muhammad Saleem introduced himself as a wealthy businessman and promised to bear all the expenses for the treatment of the victim’s ailing husband. He said the suspect then took her to a fake address on the pretext of visiting a doctor and allegedly raped her.

On the complaint of the victim, the police had registered a case two months ago but the accused went into hiding after committing the heinous crime, he added.

In the wake of the registration of the FIR, the spokesman said the police began a manhunt using human and other technical resources.

He said prior to that, Rawalpindi CPO Shahzad Nadeem Bukhari had taken notice of the incident.

Months after registering the case, the police finally arrested the suspected rapist by tracing his hideout.

Source: The express tribune