Little girls to pay price for brother’s fault

NAUSHAHRO FEROZE: A father and other relatives have appealed to higher police authorities and civil society to provide protection to two minor girls who are to pay for the fault of their brother.

They observed a sit-in at the press club on Thursday against the “verdict” to give the girls in fine to brothers of another girl who married the minors’ brother of her own will.

Reportedly, Shah Khatoon married Shahid Chang brother of Begum, 6, and Koonj, 5, of her own will.

However, a wadera who is a retired police inspector announced a verdict wherein the two small girls were supposed to be given to brothers of Shah Khatoon as a fine or in local term `Sang Chatti Mai.’

The girls and their father Mohammad Essa Chang are residents of Bakhtiarpur village near Halani Police Station. The father of the girls said they appealed to police and civil society to protect the girls.

Head Munshi Ayaz said that they came to know about it but not about the decision.


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