KP to launch IT programme for women: MPA

MANSEHRA: Khyber Pakhtun-khwa government would launch an information technology (IT) programme for the uplift of women in the province with an initial amount of Rs500 million, said MPA Maliha Tanveer on Saturday.

The MPA, who is also chairman of the district development advisory committee, was speaking at the inaugural ceremony of a funfair organised by Kohsar Children Academy for women and children here.

Tanveer said that in past the successive governments particularly in KP kept women deprived of their rights.

“Women who would be trained under this IT programme would earn $300 monthly while working at their homes and an international organisation would provide them this opportunity and agreement is signed with it in this regards,” she added.

She said that initially the IT programme for women was being launched in five districts including Mansehra.

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