‘Killer’ of three daughters remanded

KARACHI: A judicial magistrate on Thursday remanded a man in police custody till Dec 28 for allegedly killing his three daughters.

The suspect was arrested on Wednesday after the police claimed that he confessed to have killed his daughters a couple of months back in the Orangi Town area.

The investigation officer of the case produced the suspect before a judicial magistrate (west) and sought his physical remand stating that he had to arrest the person from whom the suspected killer had bought tranquilisers and also had to conduct the suspect’s medical examination since the victims’ medical reports suggested that they had been subjected to a sexual assault.

The magistrate handed over the suspect to the police on six-day physical remand and directed the IO to produce him on the next hearing along with the investigation diaries.

According to the prosecution, the victims, two of them physically handicapped and aged between eight and 16 years, were found dead in a cattle pond set up within their house located in Mairajun Nabi Colony of Orangi Town’s Sector 10 on the morning of Oct 15.

The police claimed that the victims’ father, a dairy farmer, confessed to have fed his daughters haleem laced with a sedative and after they fell unconscious he drowned them in the pond.

A case (FIR No.447/11) was registered under Sections 302 (punishment for premeditated murder) and 34 (common intention) of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) against the suspect.

Suspects remanded

A judicial magistrate (central) on Thursday remanded two suspects in police custody till Dec 31 in a case pertaining to attempted abduction of an underage girl.

The police said that the suspects were trying to abduct a minor girl within the remit of the Jauharabad police station when they were caught by people on Dec 20.

A case (FIR No.267/11) was registered under Section 364-A (abduction under the age of ten) and 34 of the PPC.

The administrative judge of anti-terrorism courts in Karachi on Wednesday had remanded the same suspects in police custody for their alleged involvement in a kidnap, rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl.

Source: Dawn

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