Kari case: three arrested in Ghotki after a week

By Aisha Masood

Karachi:The Ghotki police have arrested Shahnawaz, who had declared his wife Basheeran as Kari. The arrest took place in the late hours of Monday, while two of his accomplices were picked up on Tuesday.

Shahnawaz and his relatives, Shabir, Ghulam Mustafa and Ghulam Haider, had levelled allegations of Karo-Kari against Basheeran. They were allegedly searching for her with the intent to kill her. Basheeran, however, had left Ghotki and had taken shelter in Karachi with the help of Pakistan International Human Rights Organisation (PIHRO), a local non-governmental organisation (NGO).

The Ghotki police had registered an FIR in the matter almost a week ago and the suspects were very much within the reach of the police. Their fourth accomplice, however, is still at large.

“Even though three arrests have been made, this does not ensure the safety of the victim and her family since the charge-sheet has not been submitted in the court. There is constant pressure on Basheeran’s mother to withdraw the FIR and ‘settle’ the matter,” PIHRO spokesperson Dr Tajun Nisa Baloch told The News. “Moreover, the police have so far failed to arrest Shabir, the fourth suspect. He is not only Shahnawaz’s brother, but also married to Basheeran’s sister Jamila.”

Baloch further said that Shabir was constantly harassing her on the phone, and judging by the kinds of calls she has been receiving, she fears that the suspects have arrived in Karachi. Meanwhile, owing to continuous harassment and pressure by the suspects, Basheeran’s mother has left her house in Ghotki and came to the city to join her daughter.

In the entire episode, there is no clue regarding the whereabouts of Jamila who, Baloch says, is the most vulnerable person right now since she is living in the house of one of the suspects. “They might hurt Jamila because they have been unsuccessful in killing Basheeran,” she said.

The PIHRO coordinator has taken up the matter with Sindh Assembly Deputy Speaker Shehla Raza, MPA Humera Alwani MPA and Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza. She said, however, that things were not under control as yet and there was a dire need to urgently take up this matter as well as provide security to the suffering family.
Source: The News

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