Karachi: Man held for sexually abusing wife, sending her videos to dark web

District Central’s women police have arrested a suspect who is involved in making videos for the dark web and who used to upload videos of his wife and others.

SHO Erum Amjad of the Women Police Station said the man is associated with a site of dark web — International Alumni Association — and the police have rescued his wife and four children during a raid.

She said they had received a complaint from a woman, who informed the police that a man, Tahir Abbas, was involved in immoral activities with his family, especially his wife. In this regard, a raid was conducted at a building in Rizvia Society, Tahir was arrested and the woman and her four children were rescued. The suspect was shifted to the police station for interrogation.

During investigations, it was found that Tahir used to get the task of making his wife’s videos through email. He made a video of every task and email it back. The police officer said the suspect injured his wife’s body and tortured her for making videos, and the organisation had also tasked him with making a video of his daughter, but before that the police raided the house and arrested the suspect.

It was further revealed that Tahir continued to commit sexual harassment, torture and other shameful acts with his wife, and the police had received an urgent application from the victim’s sister. A case has been registered against the accused and the police have recovered a laptop and other items during the operation, the SHO said.

She added that the accused used to make immoral videos of his wife and send them to international dark websites. Moreover, he had also installed a camera inside the bathroom. The accused’s wife alleged that her husband used to misbehave with her and make videos of her and used to pressurize her to have extramarital relations. The accused’s mobile phone and laptop are being checked, police officials said.


A judicial magistrate on Friday remanded a man in police custody in a case pertaining to forcing his wife to have an unnatural offence, engage in sexual activities with other men and making obscene photos of her and her daughter for pornography.

The investigating officer produced Tahir Abbas before the judicial magistrate (central) and requested his 14-day physical remand in police custody for investigation. The magistrate, however, handed over the suspect to the police for five days with a direction to the IO to produce him on the completion of his remand.

An FIR has been lodged under sections 377 (unnatural offence), 372-A (selling person for purpose of prostitution, etc), 292-C (punishment for pornography), 337-AI (shajjah), 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation), and 509 (insulting modesty or causing sexual harassment) of the Pakistan Penal Code on the complaint of the woman.

She stated that the accused would force her to have unnatural sex with her and would call other men to the house and coerce her into engaging in sexual activities with them. She told the police that she left the house multiple times in the last 12 years of marriage, but her parents intervened and advised her to reconcile the matter. The woman said that the accused also captured the nude photos of her and her 16-year-old daughter and threatened to involve her kids in the heinous acts.

Source: The News