=> KARACHI (APP) – The All Pakistan Women Association

KARACHI (APP) – The All Pakistan Women Association (APWA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Women Development Department (WDD), Government of Sindh, to work together for the cause of development and empowerment of females.

The MOU to this effect was inked at a ceremony held at the APWA Head office here on Tuesday.

The APWA Chief Begum Laila Sarfraz signed the MOU on behalf of her organization. The Secretary of Sindh Women Development Department, Subhan Memoti represented the WDD.
Sindh Minister for Women Development Department, Nadira Panjwani, was also present on the occasion.

According to the MOU, the WDD and APWA will work together for the cause of development and empowerment of women being their common goal in all the relevant sectors and fields including economic, legal, social and political empowerment of women in Sindh.
They will facilitate each other in establishment of women handicrafts centres, selection of handicrafts and promotion of skilled women etc.

The two organisations will help organise programmes, development of libraries, research work, supply of information and books for socioeconomic empowerment of women.

APWA will share material in the development of website of WDD and in its updating from time to time.

The WDD will arrange and organise joint women, handicrafts exhibition in collaboration with APWA for promotion of handicrafts of Sindh and enhancement of women entrepreneur and skilled women to develop linkages with all the APWA centres in the province.

APWA will submit details and feasibility for establish­ment of mobile mammography units so that WDD will ensure linkages for providing necessary assistance in this regard.

The WDD will also assist APWA in identifying sponsors for repair and construction of their schools including Korangi,
Source: The Nation

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