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JUI-F, JI oppose mandatory 10pc women voting


ISLAMABAD: A meeting of the sub-committee of the Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reforms held in the Parliament House on Wednesday could not reach a consensus on the issue of 10 per cent mandatory participation of women in elections after the Jamiat-i-Ulema-i-Islam-F (JUI-F) and Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) opposed the proposal presented by other parliamentary parties.

The JUI-F and JI stuck to their stance for only 5pc participation of women in the elections, although other parliamentary parties demanded at least 10pc participation for validation of polls.

“The parliamentary parties could not reach a consensus on the issue of women’s voting,” Shazia Marri, a member of the committee, told reporters after an in-camera meeting.

According to the Election Reforms Package and the Election Act, 2017, it has been proposed that at least 10pc participation of women voters should be made mandatory for elections.
