=> ISLAMABAD: Women from a cross section of society o

ISLAMABAD: Women from a cross section of society on Friday widely condoled and condemned the assassination of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairwoman and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

Most of the women while talking to Daily Times said that Bhutto’s assassination was an attack on women all across the world, especially the Muslim world.

Muttahida Majlis-e­Ainal’s former Member National Assembly Samia Raheel Qazi expressing pro­found grief over Bhutto’s killing said that though they had political and ideological differences, she was a great admirer of Bhutto.

“She was the only woman, rather the only personality, who enhanced the country’s image nationally and internationally,” she said.

Qazi said that Bhutto’s assassination was a conspiracy against the solidarity of the country and it was a preplanned murder to delay the upcoming elections.

“The present government is solely responsible for the mur­der of such a brave woman to create an atmosphere favourable to foreign intervention in the country’s politics,” she said.

Renowned poet and writer Kishwar Naheed condemning the killing of Bhutto said that it was a sin for a woman to become a leader in this world. “The Muslim world specifically could not bear to be led by a woman leader,” she added.

Naheed said that Benazir was a woman with a great intellect and the Muslim countries actually could not digest this reality.

Human rights activist Nageen Hayat expressed her grief over the murder of Bhutto and termed it the worst incident in the history of Pakistan.

“I could not express my feelings over the killing of a brave woman who dared to break all the illogical bound­aries drawn by this male domi­nated society,” she said.

Hayat showed her deep concern over the political sit­uation in the country and urged the political parties to stand united for the solidarity of the country.

Noshi Qadir, an artist and owner of a gallery, termed the incident a national tragedy. “Nobody deserves to die the way she has been assassinated,” she said.

Qadir said that Bhutto was a great leader and source of inspiration for millions of women across the world, “Being a mother, my heart weeps for her children,” she said.

Anjum Shakeel, a housewife, said it was unbelievable that a woman with such good leadership qualities had died. “Even a thought of her death sends a chilling wave down through the spinal cord,” she said.

Shakeel said Benazir was a brave woman and had left a vacuum in the political horizon of the country. “I can’t see a single woman of her calibre in this country who could carry forward her mission of true democracy in the country,” she said.

Ayesha Nawaz, a working­woman, criticised the government for not providing Benazir with proper security. “It is unbelievable that despite she was receiving continuous life threats, the government had not taken adequate security meas­ures,” she said.

Nawaz called it a planned attack by strong political parties. “How it is possible that she was targeted so accurately in such a huge crowd,” she argued.

“I can well imagine the thought behind her assassina­tion as the men could not even bear a woman working outside her home then how could they bear a woman leader,” she said

Farhana Shakir, a student, said the government was trying to distract the attention of people from this sad incident by proving it an-Al Qaeda’s attempt.

“All ‘ the political parties in this country could do anything for their vested interests and the possibility of the involvement of these parties in Bhutto’s assassination could not be denied,” she said.
Source: Daily Times

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