Government took steps for women welfare

By: G Mursalin Marwat

LAKKI MARWAT: ANP MPA Yasmeen Zia has said that provincial government took practical steps to bring women into the mainstream and resolved their problems during the last four-and-a-half years tenure.

She said this while speaking at a function after distributing winter package among the deserving people at Bacha Khan Vocational Institute in Serai Naurang town on Tuesday. The female lawmaker distributed aid packages provided by Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI), an NGO, among 506 deserving families, which will benefit 4721 individuals.

PEI Programme Implementation Expert Tayyab Hussain, Programme Assistant Mustafa Musarat, ANP District Senior Vice President Mamraiz Khan, General Secretary Fazal Rahim Khan and other office bearers were also present on the occasion.

Yasmeen Zia said that NGOs extend cooperation to the government to alleviate poverty and fulfil the needs of poor people. She said that women should come forward and play their role to reform society and promote virtues of honesty and straightforwardness.
She said that she paid heed to improve the female education facilities in the area and resolve the problems of womenfolk by providing them with employment opportunities. She claimed that due her efforts the ANP-led government carried out small and mega uplift works worth over two billion rupees in the district.

“The developmental projects on such a large scale have helped to put the backward district on the path of progress and prosperity,” he maintained.

Explosive device defused

Meanwhile, law enforcers defused an explosive device planted by unknown miscreants near the house of JUI-F provincial chief and former MNA Maulana Amanullah Khan in Tajori town.

According to an official source, Maulana Amanullah Khan’s son and former union council nazim Maulana Asghar Ali noticed some suspected material along the gate of their house and informed the local police. He said that law enforcers meanwhile reached the place and defused the explosive device.

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