Girls school blown up in Swabi

SWABI: A government primary school for girls was blown up by unidentified militants here on Friday night, according to police. Sources said that three militants planted three improvised explosive devices at government primary school for girls in Sodher area. Two of the explosive devices went off while the third one remained unexploded. Later, it was defused by Bomb Disposal Squad.

“The bombs were put in silver pots. Two of the bombs exploded one after another. The third one was found unexploded by police that reached the area soon after the incident and cordoned off the institution,” said an official, who visited the site of occurrence.

Two out of five classrooms of the school were destroyed completely. The remaining portion of the school building also developed huge cracks, he said. The blasts damaged the boundary wall of the school and shattered windows and doors of the building, the official added.

It was learnt that about 250 girls were studying at the school, which was closed owing to summer vacations.


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