Girl shot in rape bid

SARGODHA: A man sexually assaulted and shot a girl at Satellite Town here the other day. A salesman in a local medicine distribution company Babar Khan, a resident of Din Colony allegedly shot and injured his colleague who refused to surrender herself to him for the fulfilment of his sexual desires when she was alone at office in the Sajid Shaheed police jurisdiction.

Police shifted the injured girl to the Sargodha District Headquarters Hospital.

According to doctors, one bullet crossed her leg however her condition was stable.

MAN HELD: Police held an allegedly notorious swindler involved in forgery of vehicle registration books and other documents here on Friday.

According to police, businessman Muhammad Sarwar Rajput had asked an agent Muhammad Hameedullah Pathan alias Puppu Khan of Rehmat Park to pay his car token fee.

The agent returned his car registration book with forged stamps and signs. The owner of vehicle got the paid receipt verified from the Post Master of the Awan Colony Lahore. On the report of the victim, police arrested the accused and registered a case against him.

During preliminary interrogation, the accused confessed that he is specialized in manufacturing fake vehicle documents. District Police Officer Dr Muhammad Rizwan has warned all vehicle owners to be vigilant while paying token fee.

The Nation

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