Gender insensitivity

THIS is apropos of the editorial ‘Gender insensitivity’ (June 22). Some recent tirades, especially against women, remind me of the saying, ‘Our ability to talk to one another is what makes us human.’

Our elected representatives in their speeches denounce their female colleagues without considering its negative repercussions; this only reflects their unrefined and primitive mindset.

Instead of getting along with women in the twenty-first century, we still condemn women for being women. I agree with the editorial that every individual should be evaluated in a way to know whether they satisfy the standard of meritoriousness.

Moreover, passing scathing remarks against the entire gender will do nothing positive. Even if there is some genuine issue, it should be addressed in a modest way.

It is also pertinent to mention here that women should also be careful about their self-regard because self-actualisation at the expense of self-regard makes their existence questionable and, of course, miserable.

Indeed, it was heart-rending listening to one of the MPA’s employing all discriminatory tools to win the argument. Let us at least live under the impression that we are ruled by ‘humans’


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