First woman elected Bar President in Attock

For the first time in the 120 years old history of Attock, a female lawyer has been elected president of district bar association. Lawyer Rizwana Raja has created a history when she was elected president of the Attock Bar Association for the first time in the 120-year-old history of the city earlier known as Campbellpur during the British ear.

Rizwana Raja clinched victory over her rival with a lead of 33 votes. Attributing her victory to a change in the district bar, she said that she would solve the problems of both male and female lawyers on a priority basis and would also brighten the name of her bar throughout the country.

The delighted supporters of Rizwana Raja celebrated her victory. They shouted slogans in her favour, distributed sweets among themselves and danced to the tune of drum. The female lawyers termed Rizwana’s victory a good omen for female lawyers.

The woman lawyers also expressed their hope that along with the change of faces, a change would also be seen in the administrative affairs of the bar. The family of newly-elected Bar President Rizwana Raja was also happy about her victory.

Her husband said that behind every man’s success stands a woman. He was of the view that by displaying their broadmindedness and higher values, men should provide opportunities to their women so that they could prove their mettle.

Source: Pakistan Observer