First Sikh woman candidate from KP meets Elah

LAHORE: First Sikh woman candidate from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the reserved seat Sukh Jeet Kaur and well-known political personality Chaudhry Allah Ditta Warraich with a delegation called on former Chief Minister and Central President of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi on Saturday.

Chairman Sikh Community Sardar Sunny Singh, President Hindu Community Rajesh Chand, Chairman Kohat Madan Singh, Akash Aftab, Deepak Raj, Chaudhry Amir Saleem, Chaudhry Sajid Warraich, Dr M Arif and Chaudhry Nadeem Abbas were also present on this occasion.

Talking to the delegations, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi said that history will be made in Minar-e-Pakistan tonight and it will be the beginning of getting rid of incompetent rulers forever.

By blocking the city and arresting the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf workers, the government is following dirty tactics

The ocean of people will thwart all their tactics, the people of Pakistan are with Imran Khan, this fear is not allowing the rulers to hold elections, PTI jalsa against the incompetent PDM rulers will prove to be a public referendum. Unconstitutional methods cannot prevent the re-establishment of Imran Khan’s government in Punjab.

Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi said that the Supreme Court will never allow Pakistan to become an unconstitutional land under any circumstances. The entire nation stands with the Supreme Court to save the constitution. The Attorney General deserves kudos for choosing to resign instead of fighting the government’s unconstitutional case.

Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi said that President Arif Alvi has exposed Shahbaz Sharif’s role behind canceling the election by indicting him in his letter.

Source: The News