Fatal issue: Man kills wife in Torghar

MANSEHRA: A man stabbed his wife to death in a village of Judba tehsil in Torghar district over a dispute related to iftar preparations on Friday. The deceased has been identified as 38-year-old Zaiboon Bibi while the assailant has been identified as Sakhi Anwar. The accused managed to flee the site till this report was filed. However, the police have arrested his younger brother for abetting the murderer.

A police official quoted Nasir, Zaiboon Bibi’s brother, as saying that Sakhi Anwar entered the house on Friday afternoon and asked her about the menu for iftar. When Zaiboon Bibi told him the menu, Anwar was incensed and thrashed her for not cooking the food of his choice. Nasir was further quoted as saying that when Zaiboon Bibi resisted, Anwar attacked her with a knife. She was critically injured and taken to the hospital in Judba where she succumbed to the excessive bleeding.

On the complaint of Nasir, police arrested Talib, Anwar’s younger brother, for abetting the murder. The accused is still at large. Nasir also told the police Zaiboon Bibi was a mother of two. He said Anwar, who hailed from Kotli Nusrat Khel village, would often subject her to domestic abuse.

Express Tribune:

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