Empowering our women


I do not know why Imran Khan is issuing the kind of statements that adversely affect his popularity. Every thoughtful Pakistani knows that the elite ruling class will make a hue and cry when any question of a change in the political status quo is raised. It is true that the women nominated in the National and provincial Assemblies are not true representatives of the majority of Pakistani women, particularly those living in rural areas. This is because the majority of women nominated by political parties belong to urban areas and political families. Women who belong to the have-not part of society do not have any women to represent them.

I suggest that female voters vote for female candidates contesting the election through their own political party’s ticket in each constituency and for men to vote only for male candidates. This will help achieving not only equal status for women but will really empower the women of Pakistan. It is imperative for our women to have political power and for themselves to solve the problems faced by them in male-dominated Pakistan. Women have proved that they can perform as well as men in different professions. Already there are more female students in colleges and universities and they are performing better in education than the boys. By allowing women to control their own destinies, we will solve many multi-faceted social and economic problems.

Daily Times

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